
Cycle Self-portrait






Danaides 2007 - 2010




Once somewhere a butterfly has flown and then a glass on photography broke. As time passed, the weather used the advantage of human carefree attitude. Humidity has predicted the fatale landslide through a hole in the glass of the photography of Log pod Mangartom at Škofja Loka railway station.

One February night in 2005, we stole the photography, and were caught by the police. The act triggered an avalanche of events, which are uncovering the unfeasible human need to understand and control uncatchable chaos, which master our everyday.



Dust, Cmakajne festival, C.M.A.K., Cerkno 2004.

With C.M.A.K's logotype written with dust on the floor of the galery, Small but dangers has pointed out the position of organizations like CMAK in our society. Visitors did not see the logotype on the floor. So at the end there was nothing left but dust that gets everywhere and needs to be cleand.

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