
Picture book, Notebook and Envelope:

Award for the best artist book in Slovenia 2019-2022, P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute.

The exteriors of all the units of the set are of different white colors. They illustrate the potential of blank paper. They create a suspense of anticipation.

The contents of the Picture book, Notebook and Envelope are concrete and material. Through the appropriation of bookstore material, we emphasize the aesthetics of everyday life. With this, also the possibility of its transformation through different aesthetic regimes. We transformed it into an idealized set of bookstore items. The Picture book, Notebook and Envelope are thus related to some other works that we have published in the past. Especially SBD Gobelin: Ascension (2014), Ich Uberrasche: Coloring book (2015), Thin line (2016) and F, R, E, Š (2021). In all cases, the void is exposed as a materially and physically over-present element. Like the part of a sock into which we put our foot; like the part of the book that holds the entire content together and with which the reader has the closest physical contact (the covers).


Picture book




Notebook 1

Notebook 2

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